Be Safe
We want you to stay safe around trams.
If you need to cross our tram tracks please use a dedicated crossing point - look for the blue tramway signs. Remember to look up and listen up for trams approaching!
Video file
Here are our top tips for staying safe around trams:
Video file
Cycle safely around trams. Here are some tips to take extra care when riding close to the network.
Video file

Make sure to look both ways before crossing the tram tracks.

Trams are much quieter than other vehicles. You may not be able to hear a tram until it’s very close. Listen out for the tram bell.

Use pedestrian crossings and wait for the green man. Look both ways before you cross.

Remember, Edinburgh Trams don't work on green and red traffic lights. Our trams have to go when given their vertical light signal.

Tram vehicles are wider than their tracks and take longer to stop than you might think. Give them plenty of room.

Keep an eye on your children and hold hands when crossing the tram track and when using the tram.

If you’re not seated, please grab a handrail.
Each of our trams hosts life-saving defibrillator devices onboard.