Employees of the city’s tramway raised the money for MS Therapy Centre Lothian during a series of fundraising events, with the total topped up by donations from kind-hearted customers during the city’s sporting and music events.

Tom Neil, Finance Manager at Edinburgh Trams, explained:

“We’ve always supported a wide range of good causes, but over the last two years we decided to focus our fundraising activity around one local charity.

“Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Lothian came out top of a poll of tram employees, and over the past twelve months many of them have taken part in numerous events, including a gruelling Tough Mudder course, Bake Off and then subsequent Weight Loss Challenge!

 “Our staff are rightly proud to have raised so much for a cause that that can positively impact those living with multiple sclerosis”

MS Therapy Centre Lothian provides various treatments, therapies and support services designed to develop and assist client’s capacity to manage their daily lives and maintain independence. As well as people with MS being their focus, they are also open to people with other long term illnesses which may benefit from their services. 

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager for MS Therapy Centre Lothian commented:

“We would like to thank all the staff at Edinburgh Trams who voted for us to be their charity and then went out and raised this sum for MS Therapy Centre Lothian.”

“The monies raised by the Edinburgh Trams staff will allow us to provide those living with multiple sclerosis access to specialist therapies, treatments and activities to help empower people living with MS to actively manage their lives.”