The award-winning operator of Edinburgh’s tramway has underlined its support for the UK’s military community by signing the Armed Forces Covenant.
Recognising the value that serving Regulars, Reservists, veterans and their families contribute to society, Edinburgh Trams has pledged to employ former military personnel and their spouses and partners wherever possible.
It will also support employees who are members of the Reserve Forces by granting leave, during and after a deployment, and will assist cadet units in local schools and the wider community.
Lea Harrison, Edinburgh Trams Managing Director, said:
“We believe it’s important to recognise that, in doing their duty, those who serve and have served in the Forces not only sacrifice some civilian freedoms, but also face danger and sometimes suffer serious injury or death.
“We’re committed to doing all we can to ensure that the military community is not disadvantaged and, where appropriate, we will show special consideration, especially to the injured and bereaved.”
On Armistice Day, in a further demonstration of its support, Edinburgh Trams will provide free travel across its system to personnel and veterans in uniform or with an appropriate form of identity documentation.
Edinburgh Trams will also observe the official two-minute silence on November 11 and its staff will wear poppies. The trams will also display the poppy, the official symbol of remembrance since 1921.