Edinburgh Festival

Thousands of festival goers will be heading into Edinburgh this month to enjoy the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival events.

Starting at 2.00pm from the top of the Mound to the West End of Princes Street expect to see flamboyant outfits and world class music from over 800 Carnival Performers as the streets are transformed into a party atmosphere.

From 3.00 - 4.30pm the sounds of the world will beat from the stage of the Ross Bandstand in Princes Street Gardens; and from 3.30pm-5pm, there will be dance, music, circus, and street arts, plus a special kids area.

The city’s trams offer a great way to reach the heart of the celebrations in and around Princes Street.  Fast, frequent services from locations such as Ingliston Park & Ride, Saughton and Balgreen provide a hassle-free way to join in the fun without worrying about parking or getting stuck in traffic.

Amy Witherspoon, Assistant Marketing Manager at Edinburgh Trams, explained:

“More than 18,000 people are expected to attend the free event, and we’re ready to help carnival goers to make the most of this spectacular showcase of music, dance and circus acrobatics from across the world.

“Trams will be running from every 7 minutes throughout the day, and we would advise anyone planning to enjoy the carnival parade to get there well ahead of its start at 3.00pm so as not to miss a moment of the dazzling colours and sounds that the carnival brings to the city centre.”

To make way for the stunning street celebrations, trams will be running to/from the West End only during the parade. The last full route departure from Edinburgh Airport will be at 12.40pm. The last full route departure from York Place will be at 1.22pm. Full route services will commence again no later than 4.03pm from Edinburgh Airport and 4.44pm from York Place.

For more information on the Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festivals which runs from the 12-21 July, please visit their website, www.edinburghjazzfestival.com.

Tickets must be purchased prior to boarding trams, either at the tram stop ticket machines or by using the m-ticket app.